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Posts tagged Divorce
Child support in Nevada

Nevada has statutory guidelines in NRS Chapter 125B for how much a parent will pay in child support. For instance, a paying parent with one child is expected to pay 18% of his/her gross monthly income to the receiving parent, a paying parent of two children is expected to pay 21%, and so forth. Courts rarely diverge from this formula absent extraordinary circumstances, such as where the child has special needs that require additional costs.

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Are you considering a legal separation or a divorce?

Tis the season for holiday cheer, but unfortunately, also for holiday gloom for many couples. January is reportedly the most common month of the year for people to file for divorce. Perhaps people realize their holidays together with their spouse was not ideal; or maybe the disappointment of the holidays being over in January hits, along with the realization that you’re still not happy in your marriage; or maybe people decide to start the new year off with a clean start. Whatever the reason may be, many couples will unfortunately initiate the start of their separation next month.

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